Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Diaper heads

Collin decided to take off his diaper, he's been doing this a lot lately. I'd love to get him potty trained but when I ask him if he has to go potty when he removes his diaper he says no then pees on the floor, so it's not working too well. But he found another use for his dirty diaper. A hat! Luckily it was only peepee. As a germaphobe it's so hard to see these things that my children do, between Aidan picking his nose and eating what comes out and this, it's really not easy for me to handle and makes me cringe.

Aidan thought it looked like fun but he used a clean diaper.


Madeline said...

Oh no !! Those boys a=sure are stinkers.

Anonymous said...

ewww! Gross...Boys.great oh no I have one.