Monday, December 15, 2008

a memory

Aidan and I went to see my niece in a Christmas play called "The Story" It was an awesome play about the story of Jesus being born! While driving home tonight it was pouring and we were from way out in Chesterfield, since it was raining I drove 45 miles per hour almost the whole way home and we were both scared since I couldn't see out the window and SUV's and trucks were speeding past me. Aidan started talking about a time that I had never thought he would have remembered, it was from when he was 2 and we were at a public pool. He said "Mom, thank you for jumping in the water to save me, I was drowning and dying and God told you to jump in after me." He rehashed the whole story that we never talked about after it happened. He was swimming in the kiddy pool and I was standing on the side, I looked down at him at he was under water flapping his arms struggling, I jumped right in with Collin in my arms still and pulled him out of the water. I was so shaken up when it happened. It shocked me how he remembered so well and that he said that God told me to save him, I cried! Then he went on to talk about the squirrel that we found dead in his pool this summer and how the squirrel is playing in Heaven with it's squirrel friends. I love these little moments of learning, he's a very sensitive little boy and everyday reminds me so much of how I was when I was young.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, what an incredible memory your little guy has! Treasure those moments and one day he will get to read your blog and see how importnant he and his brothers are in your life! Merry Christmas, Dede!!
Love, Andrea

Anonymous said...

It's amazing story.
of course Aidan is a one sweet and cute boy.
Enjoy your time with your little ones.