Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This week

Let's see, what's happened...

We thought Collin got a hold of and ate some 600 mg ibuprofen - spent a few hours in the ER, amazingly he did not eat any.

Collin has been saying his first full sentence he learned from Aidan "I don't Know." he mostly uses it when we ask who did something.

Dominic had his first piece of candy. I found his mouth blue and nearby was a mike & ike's blue candy. Collin decided to share.

I was able to go to Garden Ridge with the kids for a whole hour today, they were so good! I guess I'm going to be able to get out a bit more with them now. Normally I do not take all the kids unless Jeff is with me.

Aidan has been a huge help with the baby, he's always playing with him keeping him happy.

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