Monday, September 8, 2008


Dominic's personality is really showing through these days. He is so laid back, he has two brothers all over him all the time and loves it. Collin accidentally (well sometimes by accident) hurts him somehow daily. Today Collin had his dirty toe in Dominic's mouth, I was disgusted when I looked over and saw this! Tried to explain to him he can't do that, all I get is "why?". Dominic's just laughs and laughs at Collin so that's going to make him continue to do these things to him of coarse. He will just lay on the floor playing for hours and loves to laugh at everyone all you have to do is look at him, I think he has a sense of humor. Good thing, you have to to live in this house right now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahh, thats so cute!! He's a smiling boy!