Wednesday, October 15, 2008

And for today

Well, not such a good day! Jeff & I were both busy today trying to get stuff done, I was on the phone and he was trying to paint the bathroom. Aidan knows much better but found a marker and drew all over the tv, the walls all have streaks, the table, the floor, he didn't miss a spot. He also found his kid scissors that were not put away from earlier and cut apart the netting on my bed rail for Dominic. I was pretty furious. I have a phone problem, when ever I'm on the phone I have a hard time paying attention to what the kiddos are doing, I try to follow them around but didn't today and well they know that I don't pay as much attention so I guess they decided to have some fun.


Madeline said...

Oh no, Those boys are stinkers.

Anonymous said...

oh My!
heap of troubles.
Poor Dede