Thursday, October 9, 2008

creative thinking 3 years olds

3 year olds can be such creative thinkers. Aidan always saying something that Jeff and I just look at each other and think how do they come up with this stuff.
For example today Collin came running into me crying "Anen, Anen" that's Aidan in Collin's language. And I knew Aidan hurt him somehow. I can't wait until Collin can tell me exactly what Aidan did to him so I don't have to guess or get twisted versions from Aidan. So today Collin is crying, I ask Aidan to tell me what happened, Aidan says "mom, the fire truck just bumped into him, that's all!". uh huh. I see. I had no clue that he'd be already telling fibs and twisting words at 3. What happened to the honesty, I loved that, I'd ask what he did to Collin and he'd say exactly what he did "I pushed him" etc. At least I get to see some creativity this way.


Madeline said...

Oh,Aiden is making up fibs now.
Poor collin.


Anonymous said...

fibbing is not funny. :)
I'm keep telling Ian that I hate it so much.
one time he lied to me, He got spanked tones.
since then he's really careful about fibbing.