Thursday, March 26, 2009


Sorry it's been a while since I've put anything up. After the hospital stay and chaos we've just been trying to get back to normal. The hospital was really a reality shock for us, we didn't have a good plan for Aidan & Collin, they had a very hard time with being moved around. We are starting to think about how we should do this when the kids are in school and Dominic is in the Hospital for an illness. It's not going to be easy trying to get them to and from school and I'll have to be with Dominic at the Hospital. I know we have some time to think about it all, it was a lot harder on us than we thought though.
The stinkers are doing pretty well, we've been getting out a lot more, I'm finding if I get them out to the park or just get them out somewhere they are a lot better the rest of the afternoon, I guess didn't know kids get stir crazy too. I'm having trouble with gaining their respect again, this happens every so often that they just stop listening to me. Ever since I had Dominic and have to spend so much time with his frequent feedings/pumping and charting his diet I couldn't always stop them after I told them to stop doing something they were not supposed to do, of coarse they realized that Mommy wasn't going to come stop them from what ever they were doing but only tell them not to do it so they just keep on. I'm trying to get back on top of that! The ages they are at right now are not easy at all!! I don't want them to grow up fast but have happy thoughts of what it will be like in just a few years when we are past this crazy time.
I've found out through an MRI that I may not have fibromyalgia but I do have bulging discs in my neck instead causing much of the pain, we can work through chiropractic and pain management doctors to try to help the problem and hopefully I'll start feeling much better soon. If we get them under control then I guess I'll know for sure if I do have the fibro or not, there is no set test on whether you have it or not so it's very hard to diagnose, I'm really hoping it's not what is wrong.
Nothing else really going on here, just trying to get through each day as it comes the best we can. I'll try to update more, I have lots of pictures of the boys to post soon :)

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