Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Another TV addict

Dominic has already mastered the art of crying until he gets what he wants at 3 months old. He will cry and cry and we will do everything trying to figure out what he wants, it's the same thing almost every time, we step outside and he's quiet, we walk him around for a few minutes then he's okay to go back inside. So he was doing his usual crying and I was about to take him outside, walking past the TV and he suddenly stops crying and I notice he's watching TV. So now he wants to watch TV, this is just great, another TV addict, I'm okay with it at this point, I can get something done like dinner started or put some laundry away. Hopefully it won't get to the point of knowing which shows are on when and getting all upset because he's going to miss a show like Aidan does, that's no fun for us to deal with.

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