Tuesday, December 30, 2008
All 3 boys are sick now with pink eye and the cold that comes with it. Aidan though cannot keep anything down and is not even eating but a few crackers the past 2 days. We called the after hour exchange last night and based on his stomach pain for the last few days they wanted us to bring him in. So I brought him in to the ER at 12:30am last night thinking he was most likely just fine but they had to do their job based on his symptoms. He has a stomach bug, not a flu but some other type that last for days. No one else has it and I've been washing lots of little hands and noses. This would be a very bad one for Dominic to get so I'm trying my best to keep him well and keep reminding Aidan he can't touch him. It's been a pretty quiet house around here with the boys under the weather, they are sleeping alot, they are being for the most part very good boys.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sick boys
Not such a good weekend. Aidan & Dominic woke up with Pink eye and the running nose that comes with it. Collin just has a running nose, he's got an awesome immune system, he rarely gets sick. But tonight Aidan started throwing up. I'm praying that Dominic does not start it too or I'm off to the Hospital somehow, and my parents are out of town until the 3rd, Jeff has no more vacation time so I'm hoping that it stays away from Dominic and that Aidan just has a quick bug. We are supposed to take Dominic in on the first time he throws up so ensure that he gets and IV and the fluids that his body needs in an illness. Amazingly aside from spitting up formula on the occasion he's not once been throw up type sick in his 8 months of life. He's such a strong boy! He's already standing and just stared taking a few steps this week. Aidan has been laying down all day saying his tummy feels funny and is being super sweet and loving. With out Collin's partner in crime, Collin has been a very good boy. I'm hoping this passes quickly though and that my boys get better!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!!
Just waking up, ready to start opening!
Jeff looking unsure of the cologne stocking stuffer I got him, really he said he was just trying to read it.
Dominic's favorite of the day was the wrapping paper.
We had an awesome Christmas. The boys were so excited over all their new toys from Santa. There was a fight within the first 5 minutes of present opening though, it was over which pile of presents each pile belonged to, (Santa) made sure they were the exact same amount. We had quite the technology filled Christmas, we got a Wii for the family, Jeff and I got MP3 players, yes I know they came out years ago. I got a Flip Video recorder, love it! The boys got diggers, dumps, Remote control vehicles, games, books, diggers, more diggers, constructions sets, a vacuum for Collin and Aidan got a Leapster and Dominic got a few cool toys.
After presents here we went to Jeff's brother Mark's house for a delicious lunch and spent all day hanging out there. Collin was in 2 year old mode, he was putting food among other things down their hall laundry shoot, he was spitting food at people, throwing food at people, and he bit his Aunt Michelle. I borrowed their wooden spoon and we also put him in time out a few times, nothing worked, he just kept right on doing what ever it was he got in trouble for. I'm not sure if it's all the excitement from Christmas or what was wrong, poor guy was a mess, a very happy boy but causing trouble all over, I think he thinks he's hilarious even when we are not laughing. I did get 2 back massages from my sister in laws, I'm thinking they felt bad as I was a bit stressed trying to keep my little mister out of trouble all day. It was over all a wonderful Christmas! And finally, no more broken ornaments to vacuum up, I can take down the tree!!! Merry Christmas!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
How tall are the kids?
Well the tree is still here, has not been knocked over yet, we've had 4 glass balls thrown and shattered, 1 hand crafted ornament that I really liked is now broken, a bunch that have been confiscated since they were removed from the tree and we still have a week to go. Poor tree is not looking so pretty but it still has some on the top half at least, I'm so glad we did not get a real one like we normally do, that would have been a disaster.
Monday, December 15, 2008
a memory
Aidan and I went to see my niece in a Christmas play called "The Story" It was an awesome play about the story of Jesus being born! While driving home tonight it was pouring and we were from way out in Chesterfield, since it was raining I drove 45 miles per hour almost the whole way home and we were both scared since I couldn't see out the window and SUV's and trucks were speeding past me. Aidan started talking about a time that I had never thought he would have remembered, it was from when he was 2 and we were at a public pool. He said "Mom, thank you for jumping in the water to save me, I was drowning and dying and God told you to jump in after me." He rehashed the whole story that we never talked about after it happened. He was swimming in the kiddy pool and I was standing on the side, I looked down at him at he was under water flapping his arms struggling, I jumped right in with Collin in my arms still and pulled him out of the water. I was so shaken up when it happened. It shocked me how he remembered so well and that he said that God told me to save him, I cried! Then he went on to talk about the squirrel that we found dead in his pool this summer and how the squirrel is playing in Heaven with it's squirrel friends. I love these little moments of learning, he's a very sensitive little boy and everyday reminds me so much of how I was when I was young.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Christmas Tree
Last night we set the Christmas tree up. Already all the ornaments are on the mid-top half of the tree since they keep pulling them off. Today a glass one broke, my sister Lisa warned me about this, she's already had a few glass balls break. I should have gotten plastic! Jeff and I are placing bets on when the tree will be tipped over. The boys had a lot of fun decorating and destroying it and are really getting into Christmas time!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
He's a mess!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
My niece Maddy (the boys #1 fan) came into town and stayed at our house last night. She's 10 and helped out so much, she took care of Dominic all day, gave him a bath, helped me make dinner, helped keep the boys out of trouble. Collin normally falls asleep on the couch, Maddy was there sleeping so he just climbed right up and slept next to her all night, so cute! Her help was much appreciated. I decided I need one of those little helpers like her. Mari, can I keep her?? I'll return her in a few years I promise!
The things 3 year olds say, he's always cracking us up. It's cute now but I realize it won't be soon. The other day Aidan is getting something out of the pantry and we hear "Mom never puts things back where they belong!" It made Jeff and I laugh. That definitely came from Jeff, Aidan doesn't miss a beat, Jeff's always telling me to put things back where the belong since I'm bad about setting things in the wrong place. Then today I dropped a plate on the floor. I do this every few weeks probably, they just slip out of my hands. So Aidan says "Mom I think you need to buy some plastic plates until you can be more careful with glass ones" So funny!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Poor guy always gets hurt. He fell off a swing and landed on his head. I think he's like me, I'm not very dexterous and have many scars from childhood falls. This time we actually though he might had a concussion because he stayed in his own bed all night when it happened, that's unheard of around here. Just another battle wound to add to his collection.
We had Jeff's brother & his family stay with us through Thanks Giving, my sister in law Jo is Korean and makes the best Korean food ever, she made tons of food for us and I was able to watch in hopes I can repeat it. The boys had so much fun playing with their cousins, we had a full house of boys! Of coarse I had the wild ones :P
Monday, November 24, 2008
The boys seem to be responding well to the new rules and us being more consistent than we were. Though I keep getting hissed at from Collin, I try to just ignore it like he's not even doing it hoping that will get him to stop. I've never had to deal with a hissing child every time he gets in trouble or doesn't like something I do.
Friday, November 21, 2008
PB playdough
I love making peanut butter play dough for the boys. They have a blast playing with it as they eat it. I have to say I also enjoy eating it. I make a large batch then store a non played with portion in the fridge for myself, it's my secret indulgence :P
Recipe I use:
* 1 cup Peanut Butter
* 2 cup powdered milk
* 1 cup honey
Mix it all together and enjoy
If you like peanut butter you'll start to crave this stuff!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I put my foot down today and decided I need to be more strict (don't laugh!). I know I need to be more consistent with the boys in order to stop some of the destruction. I ended up crying today after both boys would not listen after continually getting into trouble and instigating each other to do things. I watched from the doorway with out them noticing as Aidan tells Collin "Spit your drink all over Collin" then he does it, or watching them wait for me to leave the room, thinking I'm gone they quickly begin what I just told them not to do, they were jumping off of a dresser on to the mattress left over from Collin's bed that we took out of the room. They are great outside the home, with grandparents, in other peoples care, I can take them to the library or even a store and they are mostly well behaved. But not at home with me, they constantly want to test me. Tonight Jeff and I made a list of rules that they have to obey, we are finally agreeing to discipline the same way and have total consistency, hopefully they will adjust to the new stricter Mommy. We sat the boys down and explained the rules and consequences, of coarse Collin broke the no hitting rule kicking Aidan as we were going over that very rule, so he had time out for the 5th time today. We'll have to see how this goes, I've tried so many things but I'm hoping maybe a list of rules that they are reminded of daily will help. And the consistency on the consequence for breaking the rule to be followed and then I'll reinforce to them that I love them, then I'll hope & pray that they will behave better soon!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I think I do need Supernanny to come to my house as one of my sisters suggested. I thought they were playing nicely in their room. I heard some banging so I ran in, Collin's whole bed is apart! They both were put in the corner but it never helps. I've tried everything, my boys are so destructive! I'm really afraid for next year when it's all 3 of them teaming up.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Terrible Two's
My, what a day is all I can really say. Jeff and I have agreed that after the last 2 days we've definitely hit the 2's with our Collin. Poor guy! Let's see, there's too much to list of what's happened but to name a few:
*Removed his diaper and peed on my kitchen floor 2 times today
*He peed on Dominic and our carpet tonight
*He emptied his room putting just about everything down the laundry chute - Jeff finally today did something more to keep it shut, it will not open now and Collin was quite mad when he figured that out.
*Tonight he knocked the framed art off our wall, glass was broken all over our bed.
*Emptied a can of Dominic's formula all over my kitchen
After getting in trouble repeatedly he would just look at us and laugh and smile and then after a few minute try to do what ever he was doing once again.
On another note Jeff found out today that he only has 3 classes left to finish after being out of college for the past 15 years. He never went back after Alex was born and thought he'd have to redo a bunch of classes but he doesn't. So he's going back in January. That means I may be going a little nuts on the days he works then has school. I'm sure I'll have plenty to blog about taking care of the boys all day and night without his help lol.
*Removed his diaper and peed on my kitchen floor 2 times today
*He peed on Dominic and our carpet tonight
*He emptied his room putting just about everything down the laundry chute - Jeff finally today did something more to keep it shut, it will not open now and Collin was quite mad when he figured that out.
*Tonight he knocked the framed art off our wall, glass was broken all over our bed.
*Emptied a can of Dominic's formula all over my kitchen
After getting in trouble repeatedly he would just look at us and laugh and smile and then after a few minute try to do what ever he was doing once again.
On another note Jeff found out today that he only has 3 classes left to finish after being out of college for the past 15 years. He never went back after Alex was born and thought he'd have to redo a bunch of classes but he doesn't. So he's going back in January. That means I may be going a little nuts on the days he works then has school. I'm sure I'll have plenty to blog about taking care of the boys all day and night without his help lol.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Big Helper
Aidan's been such a big help, he has been checking with me on whether or not something has fat in it in every food, Dominic got a hold of Collin's sippy with milk in it and Aidan knowing that there was fat in milk grabbed it away from Dominic thankfully. I've explained briefly a few times about Dominic's condition and how important is for him to not have any fat. I've also told him to pick up any crumbs or playdough of the floor when ever he drops any in case Dominic eats it. I did not think I'd have such a helper with keeping the fat out of Dominic's diet. He also loves to help feed the baby his bottles.
Little Moments
Collin put his arms around my neck, kissed me on the cheek and said "mom, I love dee" which is I love you in his language, melting my heart. He has never said this out of the blue, normally we'll say it to him then he'll say it back. So of coarse it was so sweet and new to hear him say it on his own. I love these little moments, it's so rewarding as a mommy.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Bottle Guns
Collin loves finishing off Dominic's bottles, he usually leaves an ounce left and we let Collin finish it off knowing he does not get enough milk a day. He found another use, he's been using the left over bottle as a squirt gun spraying it all over. So inventive these boys are they amaze me daily with the things they come up with or destroy.
Friday, November 14, 2008
I entered the Kitchen to find the tub of butter open and a spoon in it. I thought that it had to be the work of the 2 year old. I asked Collin "Who got into the butter" He looked up at me with his beautiful eyes, his hands and his pockets with the most innocent look and said "I un know" which means I don't know in Collin language. But he was caught butter faced, there was butter all over his cute little face.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Can we skip age 2 please
I love my kids at every stage but 2 is hard. I'm having one of those days again, Collin tore down our new curtains, breaking the rod the shears hang on. Things like this happen often around here lately. I said to Jeff right after we put them up "how long till these are torn down by one of the boys" well I guess only 3 days of having them. Not sure if we should bother putting them back up at this point. I walked out of the room for 5 minutes to put laundry in downstairs. Then this afternoon they were having a snack, I had the Bisquick on the counter but away from the counter where the boys are. I checked on them, left, came right back within 2 minutes and it was all over the counter the floor, everywhere. I have to check on the wrecking crew very often but I'm starting to feel like I can't leave them in a room for a minute without something happening. Aidan's been pretty good about telling me when Collin is doing something but it's usually too late as it only takes Collin a few seconds to climb anywhere. I just want to skip past the "no's" and the seeming like they don't understand age of 2 and go to 3 where at least I know they understand when I tell them not to do something.
Laundry Shutes
They seem like a good idea. But not if you have kiddos. As you can see we nailed it down, put wire around it as well since they once got it through the nail. We also put it behind their toy bin rack. They still got through to it.

Oh look, there's a phone, diapers, toys, a sippy cup, one of Dominic's spoons. If we can't find something we'll have to start looking in the basement.
Oh look, there's a phone, diapers, toys, a sippy cup, one of Dominic's spoons. If we can't find something we'll have to start looking in the basement.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Diaper heads
Collin decided to take off his diaper, he's been doing this a lot lately. I'd love to get him potty trained but when I ask him if he has to go potty when he removes his diaper he says no then pees on the floor, so it's not working too well. But he found another use for his dirty diaper. A hat! Luckily it was only peepee. As a germaphobe it's so hard to see these things that my children do, between Aidan picking his nose and eating what comes out and this, it's really not easy for me to handle and makes me cringe.

Aidan thought it looked like fun but he used a clean diaper.
Aidan thought it looked like fun but he used a clean diaper.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Collin words
Dump Truck - dum fwuk
It really does not sound good, the w is pretty silent when he says it, poor guy. I'm trying to get him to say it at least so it sounds a little different than this. Alex of coarse thinks it's hilarious and keeps trying to get him to say "dump truck" over and over again.
It really does not sound good, the w is pretty silent when he says it, poor guy. I'm trying to get him to say it at least so it sounds a little different than this. Alex of coarse thinks it's hilarious and keeps trying to get him to say "dump truck" over and over again.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
They are all sleeping and it's only 7:30pm, normally they are not down until 9:30pm or so. Jeff and I don't' know what to do with ourselves. This is Jeff's doing though, he bored the kids to sleep. Dominic crawled right over to Aidan, laid next to him, grabbed the bean bag seat to hold and fell fast asleep.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The day started off bad with the boys not listening, getting in trouble over and over. Collin dumped a huge thing of apple juice all over my kitchen floor flooding it. Aidan got in trouble for shoving/hitting Collin over toys, the usual. But then the afternoon came around and everything settled, they have been doing great, playing together nicely, listening. I was able to calm down as well, parenting is not easy, there are plenty of books on the subject but I find it hard to remember what advice or techniques I've read when I'm in the middle of a bad day with a baby fussing and 2 boys that want my attention as well, trying to divide myself 3 ways at the same time. I want to be as good a parent as I can be to the boys to raise them into sweet, confident, strong men. But like today I have those days where I think I could have done differently rehashing each incident and feeling like a not so good Mama. There is always tomorrow, I can do better!
And I think I'm a bit post happy today :)
And I think I'm a bit post happy today :)
Our Very Own Santa
Here is our very own Santa, well creepy Santa. Alex has been going through some sort of image change once again, there have been a few along the way. But this one is odd and kinda funny so I must share. He's been walking around with a Santa hat and sunglasses for a few weeks now, and even talking in a deeper scary voice. Teenagers, that's all I can really say. Though it would be nice to be that young again, I'd never want to go back.
My Eco Conscious Boy
Aidan love to play garbage man. He runs around the house collecting toys and whatever else he can find, puts it in piles and says that he's recycling. I love that he does this, he watches the real videos on recycling and trash, and now he's addicted to watching them on YouTube. Our subdivision trash company does not have a recycling pick up but Aidan is inspiring me, I think we should try to find a pick up service and start really recycling, I know I'll have a little helper. He's also made friends with a few of our Garbage men, runs outside waving to them when he sees them picking up our trash. We've gotten a few toys (of coarse I know where they came from, eww!, and had to bleach them down) and even Christmas ornaments from them. If they would only pick up recycle!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
How Many?
How many boxes of cereal dumped and Collin getting in trouble for it before he stops? It's driving me insane! Yes, we have a lock on the pantry but it's loose and comes undone easily, that and I forget everything lately so I forget to latch it sometimes. But you'd think that eventually after getting in trouble over and over for the same thing that it would get old, right?
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Wow, 3 year olds know how to bribe
Laying in bed this morning I was so tired, as usual the boys are up and jumping all over me. Dominic wanted to play, I just wanted to lay in bed as long as they would let me. I asked Aidan to please grab some toys for Dominic, he usually does it with no problem and sometimes even brings him toys with out my asking. Today was different, in the morning many times Aidan tries to find my belly button, yes this does have to end, this has been his infatuation like a blankie or lovey would since I quit breastfeeding him well over 2 years ago. I tell him no and remove his hand when ever he tries. So after I asked if he could get me a few toys for Dominic, he says "Mom, I'm not getting him toys unless you let me have your belly". Wow, I was very surprised, I wasn't sure what to say to this. Of coarse, no, he could not have my belly, I'm trying to keep him off of it for good. I decided I better just get up myself and start the day instead of those few extra minutes of rest, but I just can't believe how these little minds work, suddenly they know how to bribe and bargain for what they want.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween Fun
Every year we go to my brother's house for a fun Halloween party & trick or treating. Where they live they do trick or treating on the night before Halloween. So this means we get 2 days of trick or treating. We all had a blast, here are some photos, Jeff & I were pirates, Dominic a tiger, Collin a monkey & Aidan the Firefighter.
We got in late so I threw the candy buckets on top of the fridge knowing I'd have to move them first thing in the morning since they can get up there. They ended up waking up before me and they had their buckets dumped all over the floor with chocolate covered hands and faces at 9 in the morning. The candy is all locked up now, but my boys are wired!

We got in late so I threw the candy buckets on top of the fridge knowing I'd have to move them first thing in the morning since they can get up there. They ended up waking up before me and they had their buckets dumped all over the floor with chocolate covered hands and faces at 9 in the morning. The candy is all locked up now, but my boys are wired!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Dominic's fully mobile now
Dominic woke up today and started crawling. He does the half scoot half crawl where he'll get on all fours and rock back and forth then tries to take off until he falls. Then continues by half scooting half crawling until he can get to what ever toy he wants. It's so cute, I figured he'd be crawling soon but of coarse we will really have to watch the floor for anything little, he's been rolling and pivoting everywhere but now he can get to anything anywhere and fast.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Don't you just love it when you are laying on the floor holding your baby above your head talking to him and suddenly you feel this cold, wet, slimy blob of slobber drop right into your mouth? Really, I almost threw up.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Daddy's Garden
Jeff put in a new garden on the corner of our front yard yesterday. The boys of coarse always want to help Daddy do anything. I stepped outside to see what they were up to and I had to get a picture.

The new garden will probably be short lived with this wrecking crew though. Here's our front porch garden/construction site, Jeff put the fountain down because he was afraid they'd knock it over. Our porch is always full of dirt, diggers and dump trucks. Boys!
The new garden will probably be short lived with this wrecking crew though. Here's our front porch garden/construction site, Jeff put the fountain down because he was afraid they'd knock it over. Our porch is always full of dirt, diggers and dump trucks. Boys!
I'm in trouble now
Collin learned this morning how to use scissors, he taught him self by watching Aidan. There was no way I was going to teach him any time soon. Scissors + Collin = major trouble. I keep them up but somehow Aidan always finds a pair of his kid scissors somewhere and cuts Collins hair on occasion. I guess it's time Aidan has his share of uneven hair cuts from Collin.
We love the Fall
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
And for today
Well, not such a good day! Jeff & I were both busy today trying to get stuff done, I was on the phone and he was trying to paint the bathroom. Aidan knows much better but found a marker and drew all over the tv, the walls all have streaks, the table, the floor, he didn't miss a spot. He also found his kid scissors that were not put away from earlier and cut apart the netting on my bed rail for Dominic. I was pretty furious. I have a phone problem, when ever I'm on the phone I have a hard time paying attention to what the kiddos are doing, I try to follow them around but didn't today and well they know that I don't pay as much attention so I guess they decided to have some fun.
Had some fun at the Zoo
Yesterday we had a good time at the Zoo. Aidan was not very happy though, he only wanted to see the construction diggers and digger men, not any animals. I guess he thought the Zoo had them as well. Also, for lunch there I completely forgot to bring something for Dominic to eat. He was diving for our food. Normally with our other kiddos we'd just mush up our fries or what ever we had to give them, this is not an option since he can't have fat. I ended up giving in tiny pieces of my turkey and Jeff gave him Ketchup, we cannot leave home with out food again! There is not much he can have at most places like this. Poor guy!

Ah, our very own monkey likes to watch other monkeys
Ah, our very own monkey likes to watch other monkeys
Thursday, October 9, 2008
creative thinking 3 years olds
3 year olds can be such creative thinkers. Aidan always saying something that Jeff and I just look at each other and think how do they come up with this stuff.
For example today Collin came running into me crying "Anen, Anen" that's Aidan in Collin's language. And I knew Aidan hurt him somehow. I can't wait until Collin can tell me exactly what Aidan did to him so I don't have to guess or get twisted versions from Aidan. So today Collin is crying, I ask Aidan to tell me what happened, Aidan says "mom, the fire truck just bumped into him, that's all!". uh huh. I see. I had no clue that he'd be already telling fibs and twisting words at 3. What happened to the honesty, I loved that, I'd ask what he did to Collin and he'd say exactly what he did "I pushed him" etc. At least I get to see some creativity this way.
For example today Collin came running into me crying "Anen, Anen" that's Aidan in Collin's language. And I knew Aidan hurt him somehow. I can't wait until Collin can tell me exactly what Aidan did to him so I don't have to guess or get twisted versions from Aidan. So today Collin is crying, I ask Aidan to tell me what happened, Aidan says "mom, the fire truck just bumped into him, that's all!". uh huh. I see. I had no clue that he'd be already telling fibs and twisting words at 3. What happened to the honesty, I loved that, I'd ask what he did to Collin and he'd say exactly what he did "I pushed him" etc. At least I get to see some creativity this way.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A few French words
When I lived in Belgium I learned a small amount of French, I really wish I would have learned more but I went to the American school so I didn't have to learn aside from French class. I had no idea kids are such sponges when it comes to other languages. I was going over some French words with Aidan and he was at first saying them back very well. He got bored fast as usual, I kept going, this is what I got out of him.
Sil vous plait - (please) - See poop plate
Merci beaucoup - (Thank you) - Messy poop
Then he said "mom, I don't speak Spanish"
I think I'll have to teach him French more often, it was interesting.
Sil vous plait - (please) - See poop plate
Merci beaucoup - (Thank you) - Messy poop
Then he said "mom, I don't speak Spanish"
I think I'll have to teach him French more often, it was interesting.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Heart leaf
I told the boys to find some colorful fall leaves so that we can make a fall craft out of them. One of my sweethearts brought me a leaf heart. Aidan runs to me all excited to find this. He also told me today that I'm a good Mommy, it was very nice to hear, I need that sometimes.

Of coarse the sweetness was short lived, I thought how nice they are playing so well together in their room a little while later. I came in to check and it was a mess, Collin had creamy Desitin that was up high in the closet all over him and everything, Aidan's new Halloween costume, clothing, and that stuff does not come out easily. I'm going to try Dawn dish soap, if it works on cloth diapers to get cream out then it has to work on clothing. Aidan had put all the toy bins stacked on top of one another to get to his camera on the closet shelf, he then knocked down the basket with the rash creams in it and well Collin couldn't help himself.
Of coarse the sweetness was short lived, I thought how nice they are playing so well together in their room a little while later. I came in to check and it was a mess, Collin had creamy Desitin that was up high in the closet all over him and everything, Aidan's new Halloween costume, clothing, and that stuff does not come out easily. I'm going to try Dawn dish soap, if it works on cloth diapers to get cream out then it has to work on clothing. Aidan had put all the toy bins stacked on top of one another to get to his camera on the closet shelf, he then knocked down the basket with the rash creams in it and well Collin couldn't help himself.
Grandma to the rescue
Grandma K. came over today and watched all 3 boys on her own. Grandpa was supposed to come too, he always takes care of the baby when sitting but he was sick and didn't want to chance getting Dominic sick. I had a wedding to go to and Jeff had to work. I called 2 times while I was out, both times it sounded like the baby was crying so I of coarse thought I need to get home asap. I come home and everyone is happy, Dominic is playing on the floor, the boys are sitting on the couch. No one is hurt, nothing is broken. She thankfully watches Collin & Aidan every Friday to give me a much needed break, and they do really well with her, they actually listen for the most part. But all 3 boys at once is not really easy for anyone and I was pretty scared when I was going out the door with Dominic crying every time he looked at Grandma. He's starting to have non mommy or daddy anxiety. Just when I'm thinking he's older, so good and happy, maybe we can actually go on a date, now he doesn't want us to leave him. Oh well we have what maybe 10 years and we can go out regularly on dates again, when Aidan's old enough to hold down the fort.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The Wooden Spoon
So the boys have not been listening to me very well lately, they go in phases where they stop listening for a week or two and need to be reminded again. I decided to instill some fear into them and to carry a wooden spoon around with me. They are very scared of the spoon. It's been working well, I thankfully have not had to use it much as when they see it they usually stop right away whatever mischief they were up to. So far here is what's happened:
I put down the spoon the other day to make Dominic a bottle. Collin must have noticed. I was standing at the sink and felt a smack on my bottom. I turned around to find Collin with a mean grin on his face and the spoon in his hand. It definitely stings! Youch!
Aidan keeps telling us that the spoon is garbage. The next day I go to get the spoon and what do you know, it's missing!
So we bought a 3 pack of spoons yesterday, Aidan was not too happy.
My sister Anne gave me some advice, she has a spoon in every room, brilliant!
I put down the spoon the other day to make Dominic a bottle. Collin must have noticed. I was standing at the sink and felt a smack on my bottom. I turned around to find Collin with a mean grin on his face and the spoon in his hand. It definitely stings! Youch!
Aidan keeps telling us that the spoon is garbage. The next day I go to get the spoon and what do you know, it's missing!
So we bought a 3 pack of spoons yesterday, Aidan was not too happy.
My sister Anne gave me some advice, she has a spoon in every room, brilliant!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The wrecking crew at work
I sometimes send the boys downstairs to play in their play room for a little bit, it keeps them from getting the upstairs messy when I'm trying to keep it clean. I try to check on them often and I'll go to the basement door and call down to ask what they are doing. The other day I heard a lot of commotion and as usual and got the normal response of "we're just playing and being good mommy". I went downstairs to check to be sure they were not getting in to trouble and found this mess:

They put every single toy in a huge pile as you can see.
Yes, that's the closet door, they took it off the track, and took off all the shudders, some are even broken now. I did not expect to find a mess to this extent, it was maybe 30 minutes that they were even down there! What energy these boys have!
They put every single toy in a huge pile as you can see.
Yes, that's the closet door, they took it off the track, and took off all the shudders, some are even broken now. I did not expect to find a mess to this extent, it was maybe 30 minutes that they were even down there! What energy these boys have!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Collin got a big owie
Aidan & Collin were playing in a big plant & dirt filled ceramic pot on the porch yesterday, I told them a few times to stop playing in the plant. I was turned around holding Domi & heard a crash. The pot fell over and Collin was screaming. There was blood coming out of his leg fast. Luckily Jeff was home, he took care of getting the bad cut to stop bleeding and I took him to Urgent care, we knew right away that it needed stitches. So that was no fun watching the stitches go in and holding him down while the poor guy screamed. The Doctor put a bunch of extra stitches over the first ones because he figured Collin was pretty active. Collin active? He got that right!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
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