Dominic is teething so he's still a happy for the most part boy during the day but is awake crying on and off half the night and will only go back to sleep on my chest, so I'm not getting much sleep. It will pass soon, just keep reminding myself that :)
Collin is voicing his opinion all the time now, talking like crazy. He's still getting into all the 2 year old trouble and climbing everywhere but starting to listen when I tell him to get down.
Aidan is really starting to talk back, he keeps calling me a chicken. Then when he starts to get in trouble he says he was just kidding. So I'm working on that one.
Both boys keep picking their noses, it's making me sick. One thing a germaphone cannot handle and I have 2 doing it. Collin learned from Aidan. wonderful. If anyone has any idea how to stop it, please let me know. I keep telling him when he goes to school how bad it will be.
Alex has been sick so we have not seen him as much, we miss him! Thankfully his mom lets us know and keeps him home when he is sick so that Dominic does not get anything.
Lastly, sorry I have not been updating as often, I'm in another fibromyalgia flare up and it's painful! I try to ignore it but it's hard.